our work
the start
Hope 4 Africa was started by Paul Armitage and a group of friends after a mission trip to West Africa in 2006. Paul and the team saw the incredible need in that region as they served people who were malnourished and disadvantaged and he wanted to do something about it. After reading the book Banker to the Poor, which introduced the idea of micro-lending, Paul felt called to not simply donate to a non-profit organization, but start his own instead. He worked with some friends and created Hope 4 Africa with a mission to empower the poor, lift families out of poverty, and give people hope through the gospel message of Jesus Christ. God has answered many prayers providing team members on the ground in West Africa and the support needed over the last 13 years to give hope and dignity to thousands of women and families.

What is micro-lending?
Around the world, many creative, hard-working and intelligent people are stuck in poverty simply because they lack access traditional banks. They lack opportunity. Micro-lending provides opportunity for women to escape the nasty grip of poverty by earning a steady income for their families.
Hope 4 Africa serves people in rural villages in Burkina Faso, West Africa. We provide loan programs which are a sustainable alternative to the short-term forms of charity which have often left a wake of disempowerment in developing countries. Microfinance demands ownership and active participation from the beneficiaries of the loans. The recipients of micro-loans can take pride in knowing their hard work has made a difference between poverty and provision.

Alimata's Story
“I live in a village where Hope 4 Africa works. I have 6 children. The oldest is 25---the youngest is 4 years old. I received a $60 loan from Hope 4 Africa and it helped me in my peanut business. I buy peanuts, run them through a machine that takes their shell off. I will often make peanut butter and sell it at the local market. My loan has helped me provide for my family which makes me feel so good about myself. My children are now able to go to school and have school clothes.”
-Alimata, Hope 4 Africa borrower
Esther's Story
“I live in a village in West Africa. My husband and I have one child. I received a $160.00 loan from Hope 4 Africa that I used to purchase a sewing machine and start a fabric business. I make clothes which I in turn sell to people at the area market. I also make uniforms for kids who need them for their school. Through my business, I'm able to make a profit and I'm able to provide food and clothing my own family. and send my child to school. I'm thankful to God for the hope that I have.”
-Esther, Hope 4 Africa borrower